Articles from 2024

2024 Rank Prize for Nutrition awarded to the DiRECT leaders

The Rank Prize for Nutrition, usually awarded every two years, is reckoned the world’s most prestigious prize for research in nutritional sciences. The 2024 prize was awarded to the leaders of the DiRECT trial, Professors Mike Lean and Roy Taylor, at a ceremony in the Royal College of Physicians of London, on July 1st 2024.

The award was made for their independent research paths, investigating the reasons for type 2 diabetes developing and the possibility of reversing the process, which came together with the DiRECT Trial.


For Professor Roy Taylor and Professor Mike Lean for their work on use of low energy diets to understand the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and subsequent trials that have led to possibility of disease remission.

Roy Taylor BSc, MB ChB, MD, FRCP, FRCPE

Professor of Medicine and Metabolism, University of Newcastle

Honorary Consultant Physician, Newcastle Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Mike Lean MA, MB BChir, MD (Cambridge), FRCP (Edinb), FRCPS (Glasgow), FRSE

Professor of Human Nutrition, University of Glasgow

Honorary Consultant Physician, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Type 2 diabetes is a disabling, life-shortening, disease, mediated by excess or abnormal body fat accumulation. Work by Professor Mike Lean in the 1990s, when he held the Rank Chair of Human Nutrition in Glasgow, showed that a high waist circumference, as a measure of central adiposity, even in people with a healthy body mass index, was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. In other research he showed that weight loss early after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes was associated with improved prognosis: those who lost 15kg had similar life expectancy as people without diabetes. Professor Roy Taylor’s research on liver and muscle led to the 2008 twin cycle hypothesis, that type 2 diabetes is caused by excess fat in the liver leading to insulin resistance and in the pancreas leading to beta-cell dysfunction. He tested the hypothesis in the Counterpoint study of 2011 that managed people with recent onset of type 2 diabetes with a liquid ‘meal replacement’ diet of 800kcal/day for 8 weeks, whilst studying their metabolism and deposition of fat in different organs using magnetic resonance imaging. People lost weight (about 15kg) and this decreased liver fat and liver insulin resistance and decreased pancreas fat with increased insulin secretion and lowered blood glucose. Hence the changes of type 2 diabetes could be reversed early in the course of diabetes, by weight loss. The follow-up Counterbalance study included people with longstanding diabetes, and showed that, although still effective at improving insulin resistance and beta cell function, the intervention was less effective at producing remission once diabetes had been established for more than 6 years, showing that early intervention is best.

Collaborative work with Mike Lean led to the design and conduct of the DIabetes REmissions Clinical Trial (DiRECT). This was funded by Diabetes UK, to translate their earlier research findings into a practical and importantly, scalable, intervention, using liquid meal replacements for 8-12 weeks, followed by gradual introduction of normal food, delivered in primary care. This led to maintained weight loss of over 10kg on average, and remission of diabetes in almost half of the participants after one year. Over three quarters of these were still in remission after 2 years. Over 80% of those who lost 15kg or more were in remission for 2 years. Subsequent research has shown that the intervention is also successful in people with relatively low body weight, not only those living with visible obesity, and leading to the concept of a ‘personal fat threshold’ for risk of diabetes.

The ‘DiRECT Principles’ intervention is now being rolled out across NHS Scotland and in NHS England as the Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission programme, and over 5000 individuals have now had the opportunity to be offered the intervention, with early results being consistent with what was seen in the DiRECT trial. The work is recognised internationally, with the results being reproduced in trials conducted in (for example) the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Nepal and Barbados. The approach is now included as a treatment option in the Joint American Diabetes Association and European Association for the Study of Diabetes Standards of Care document, and famously it has been popularised in an accessible form by Michael Mosley.

This research is making a real difference to the lives of many people with type 2 diabetes, and the researchers are worthy recipients of the Rank Prize for Nutrition.


Date published - 1 July 2024

Articles from 2021

Diabetologia - In conversation with Professor Mike Lean

Date published - 25 November 2021

How a UK clinical trial could change the way type 2 diabetes is treated in Australia

Article by Sarah Sedghi for The Health Report on

Published by -

Date Published - 5 July 2021

Published by - 7NEWS Australia -

Date Published - 17 May 2021

Diabetes remission diet also found to reduce high blood pressure - Health Report with Dr Norman Swan

Interview with Professor Mike Lean on the Health Report show discussing how the diabetes remission diet has also been found to reduce high blood pressure.

Published by -

Date Published - 28 June 2021


Obituary - Isobel Murray

We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Isobel Murray, on 22 May 2021 at her home in Ayr. Isobel was a caring wife to Jim, mother and grandmother, and had retired from a career as a manager in the civil service.

Isobel was the first person in Scotland to volunteer to join the ground-breaking Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT), funded by Diabetes UK and run jointly from the Universities of Glasgow and Newcastle.

Isobel had been unwell in the years prior to starting the DiRECT trial, almost seven years ago, having previously had heart attacks and being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2011. She was highly motivated to regain her health, and with the DiRECT diet programme she lost over 4 stones (25kg) in weight. With that, her diabetes went into remission – no longer requiring medication. Isobel declared “I have got my life back”.

Her story inspired others seeking a route back from type 2 diabetes, and Isobel became a keen supporter of efforts at a national level to make type 2 diabetes remission programmes accessible to more people. She appeared regularly at Diabetes UK professional and public events, and on television and radio. She became the ‘public face’ of the DiRECT trial and of diabetes remission.

She was a kind, thoughtful and positive person and provided hope to huge numbers of people with type 2 diabetes, and their families. Her beaming smile was the cover photo for the Winter 2020 edition of Diabetes UK Update magazine, which featured her in a 3-page ‘Cover Story’ article about DiRECT.

Her own words speak volumes:

“When I was first told that my diabetes went into remission, I felt absolutely ecstatic! Six years later, that feeling is still with me. Over the last few years I have been able to lead a normal life again.”

“It took only a few months to do the plan and to get my life back – it was worth every minute. I feel 10 years younger now, and I will do everything in my power to never go back to how things were before.”

All of us in the DiRECT research team, and at Diabetes UK, are indebted to Isobel for participating in DiRECT, and for everything she did to promote successful type 2 diabetes remission programmes. We are all grateful to have spent time in her company over the course of the study and beyond.

Date Published - 2 June 2021

Recently Added

Articles from 2019

Diabetes Management Journal - Article by Dr Justin Coleman

Article by Dr Justin Coleman featured in the News and Views section of the Diabetes Management Journal discussing The DiRECT trial & diabetes remission

Published by - Diabetes Management Journal

Date Published - 8 November 2019 - Diabetes UK Strategy 2020-2025

Professor Mike Lean and Professor Roy Taylor are feature on page 27 of the Diabetes UK Strategy 2020-2025 document. (Image shown below)

Diabetes UK Strategy 2020-2025

Published by -

Date Published - 14 November 2019

University of Glasgow - Spotlight on Diabetes

Article published on the University of Glasgow website discussing the DIRECT trial.

Published by - University of Glasgow

Date Published - 13th November 2019

Stronger Medicine: Podcast interview with Professor Mike Lean

An interview with Professor Mike Lean by Stronger Medicine where he discusses the DiRECT trial and a number of aspects of diabetes and its management.

Published by -

Date Published - 24th September 2019


The DiRECT study was mentioned in the Parliament debate on the 9th January 2019

9:33:20 - the new research that treatment of type 2 diabetes, which is actually by changing diet can eradicate type 2 diabetes..

10:31:20 - Early result from ongoing research led by Mike Lean at the UofG and Roy Taylor at Newcastle University showed...

10:42:03 - research and trials .. by professor Roy Taylor from Newcastle .... can actually reverse diabetes...

Parliamentary debate pack which includes several mentions of DiRECT

Published by -

Meeting took place - 9th January 2019

Published by - The Inverness Courier

Date article was published - 23 April 2019

Daily Mail Front Page 07032019

Published on -

Date article was published - 07 February 2019

The Times 07032019

Published on -

Date article was published - 26 February 2019

The DiRECT 1-year results paper has had enormous impact worldwide, with a very high Altmetric score, of 3540 one year after publication on 20 February 2019, making it the 135th highest ranking out of all 12.5 million research outputs tracked by Altmetric.
Click here to see continuously updated Altimetric data.

Published on - (DiRECT)

Date image was taken of the Altmetric site - 20 February 2019

Altmetric score of 3540

Articles from 2018

Professor Mike Lean speaking on the BBC News channel about the DiRECT study

Originally broadcast on - BBC News Channel

Date interview took place - 30 November 2018


Published on - University of Glasgow News

Date article was published - 22 November 2018

The DiRECT 1 year paper has an Altmetric score of 3398, making it the 127th highest ranking out of 11.9 million research outputs tracked by Altmetric.
Click here to see continuously updated Altimetric data.

Published on - (DiRECT)

Date image was taken of the Altmetric site - 10 October 2018

Altmetric score of 3398

Today on Google Scholar the DiRECT one-year results paper reached 100 citations

Link to paper - DiRECT 1 Year Results.pdf

Date image was taken of the Google Scholar site - 09 October 2018

Google Scholar - 100 Citations

Personal Best (BBC Radio Scotland) - Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Audio hosted by - BBC Radio Scotland

Date and time of broadcast - 1:30pm on 1 July 2018

Open Audio Player


An article published by La Vie Diabete following an interview with Professor Roy Taylor

Article published by - La Vie Diabete (French Language)

Date article was published - 31 May 2018

Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with a low-calorie diet

Article published by - National Institute for Health Research

Date article was published - 13 February 2018

How the DiRECT study could make Type 2 diabetes remission entirely possible in GP care – by Dr Farooq Ahmad

Article published by - DIABETES UK

Date article was published - 07 February 2018

Lothian man reverses diabetes after taking part in diet trial

Article published by - Edinburgh Evening News

Date article was published - 06 January 2018

Why new diabetes research may come as a big relief

Article published by - The Scotsman

Date article was published - 06 January 2018

Articles from 2017

Losing weight is hard, but it's not any harder if you have type 2 diabetes

Author - Andrew Brown, Mike Lean and Wilma Leslie

Article published by - The Conversation

Date article was published - 06 December 2017

Diabete 2, scomparso con dieta a base di minestre e frullati

Article published by - (Italian Language)

Date article was published - 06 December 2017

Radical diet can reverse type 2 diabetes, new study shows

Article published by - The Guardian

Date article was published - 05 December 2017

Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial

Article published by - The LANCET

Date article was published - 05 December 2017

*To the right of the article on The LANCET website is a link to a podcast interview with Roy Taylor talking about weight management techniques and remission in type 2 diabetes

Weight Loss Really Can Reverse Diabetes, New Study Finds

Author - Alice Park

Article published by - TIME

Date article was published - 05 December 2017

'I beat type 2 diabetes with 200-calorie drinks'

Author - James Gallagher

Article published by - BBC News

Date article was published - 05 December 2017

Type 2 diabetes can be put into remission

Article published by - DiABETES UK

Date article was published - 05 December 2017

Is it possible to reverse Type2 diabetes?

Author - Luisa Dillner

Article published by - The Guardian

Date article was published - 25 September 2017

Diabetes remission - "treating blood glucose, when the disease is to do with body fat" (Podcast)

Description - Discussion with Professor Mike Lean about the analysis he co-authored which has been published on

Author - BMJ talk medince

Podcast publisher - BMJ talk medicine on

Date podcast was published - 23 September 2017


Type 2 diabetes is 'reversible through weight loss'

Description - Article in Medical News Today disucssing the Beating type 2 diabetes into remission paper

Author - Catharine Paddock PhD

Article published by - Medical News Today

Date article was published - 15 September 2017

GPs need to tell people they can get rid of type 2 diabetes through weight loss – nutrition expert

Author - Mike Lean

Article published by - The Conversation

Date article was published - 14 September 2017

Articles from 2016

Beat the blood sugar

Author - Nicky Pellegrino

Article published by - New Zealand Listener

Date article was published - 11 March 2016